
Hey you guuuuys
So are we doing a performance this Saturday?
If we can we should because isn't this show going down soon?
Or perhaps we could just have a little closing thing and have like all the performances then? (Hot boxing, cellphone performance, and whatever else...) to go out with a big bang?

Come on guys lets not fizzle out at the end of the semester let's follow through with our plans!


m▲ude said...

i was thinking th sam3 thing! you b3at m3 to this post. if w3 bon't b3cib3 now w3'll b3 in th3 sam3 position of putting tog3th p3rformanc3's last minut3.

ps- still got th3 brok3n k3yboarb. switch th3's th3 "b" horizontally wh3n n3c3ssary! fml

Emily said...

maude fix your fucking computer!!!!!<3

also, if these performances happen, vchat ben and me!

Nick Peelor said...

i think we should perform this saturday. i do not want to do all of them at once that would fuck it up. i propose that we do the cell phone performance or max's voice thing, or do both?

m▲ude said...

c3ll phon3 !

i think w3 shoulb practic3 th3 ^oic3 on3 b3for3 w3 bo it.