ben and I will be in paris during the opening. I am hoping we can attend via his computer. my computer is still broken so I won't need it anyway. but maybe I will keep using this borrowed computer I don't know.
also, I support margots idea of drawing on the rauschenberg prints.
emily - dude yeah i dunno i feel like there should be at least something in whomever's room is video chatting even if it's a sign saying "IN PARIS SEEING MORRISSEY" or something funny like that.
everything is set up except the resume (which is printed but not installed) and nick's big blowing fan drawing box thing.
basically it's one wall with a bunch of drawings and the opposing wall has paintings hung on the wall (and one shoved up into the ceiling). kind of reminiscent of our charm city show.
there are two tv's on pedestals underneath the drawing. one is the tug of war video with the rope tangled around it. the other is in the left corner with the you tube recreations.
ben's computer monitor is in the far right corner underneath the painting in the ceiling.
i dunno you'll have to see soem pics or just be on ichat somehow!!
the concert is the night before the opening, so we'll be around, on ben's computer probably.
but the show sounds so awesome! I'm so pumped! be sure someone takes pictures soon plzzzz! (and having all these drawings/works hung nicely might be a good opportunity to document them really well? for the website? which really needs updating?)
oh shit thats sooo good. for reason and somehow among the "psychic friends gossip girl rumor club" the idea was that you and ben were going to miss the opening and not be able to ichat!!
this is sooo good im so glad awesome cool great!!
should we skype or just ichat? either one will work i believe
yeah I'm gonna say plan on ichat for now. or google chat. I don't know if ben has skype already.
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