
Hey guys, we did drawings for the Stoner Posters. Maybe we can meet before I make them into films if people want to add to them. They're just really weird for now, not psychedelic. If we want to make them psychedelic then we can do that also.


Margo said...

Make them psychedelic! Do that.
Me and Carey and Nick worked on the box till we ran out of wood, but it's getting pretty close. Me and Nick had been talking about wanting it to be painted, may be we can do that last minute as we install or something.
Fun colors, fun friends, doing good Neil edit those movies, Carey lay out those dudes.

Max Guy said...

lay those dudes carey

Max Guy said...

i'm talking to lauren about doing some 3-d rendering to the images to make them super crazy. it might be good to have one of our gd major members help clean the images up a little bit as well. i can screenprint a bunch for the weekend. if we still want to flock them let me know.

betty has been helping alot with drawings, paintings etc. too. i think tonight we're gonna try and make some mobiles or something cool to hang from the ceiling.

Margo said...

We need to jump her in or something.
something rough.

Max Guy said...

5 minutes in hell

Emily said...

if there is anything I can do here across the ocean with limited computer access, I wanna help!

also, if you want to make an expensive phone call, call me! my number is +31616091819 (if that's wrong, take out the second 6. I can never remember my number)

m▲ude said...

skyp3 it out 3mily!! shit is fr333!

Emily said...

phone calls aren't free. and my computer's broken so no vchat :(

Neil Sanzgiri said...

dude skype is free, email-y

Emily said...

there are two types of skype
there's video chat, which is free
and there's skype where you buy a phone line and then can make inexpensive phone calls internationally, using your computer. video chat-skype is basically like video gchat or video ichat so I don't feel like downloading any more programs.