
Here's the deal Yo

People come look at the box! I need some help to reattach the door to it. It's all taped up etc but I'm going to go now to buy some more colors of duct tape just for looks (it looks sort of post-apocalyptic right now). The front of the box has a little square of sheetrock on the front that I think we should gesso and paint something fun on. Also it works pretty good right now but it would be really great if we could buy another leaf blower. The first one was still within the budget of money we had from mix tapes but to get a second I'd need like two dollars from everyone (the blower costs $30).

I need to make a little flag holder thing and also for that I need some fishing line I'm sure someone has that to donate to the cause.

We need Mel/Mitchell/Nick's dealio. 
We need to hang the resume. 
We need the letters. 
Bettina needs to fix the pink dudes on that one painting. 
We need to print the calendar zines.
We need to decide on comment book/PF acronym book etc.
We need someone's headphones or if exhibitions will provide them for the youtube monitor.
Rainbow lights or no rainbow lights?
Final touch up all the scuffs etc. 

I'm sitting in here now with the monitors on and everything looks real good. 



Margo said...

Hey also there's an extra DVD player in here?
And the stoner corner or whatever? I don't know what the deal with that is.

Anonymous said...

I will fix the pink things on Thursday.
I will bring in the bead curtain Wednesday too.
Maude and Max need help with the lettering can anyone help???

m▲ude said...

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is anybody out there?

Neil Sanzgiri said...

carey said he would do the text!!

and its gunna be really simple TIMES NEW ROMAN ITALICS STYLE MOTHA CLUCKAS

he said he doesnt have time to print it out or get it cut so max or maude need to get in contact with him nowwwww

ad Lowing said...

I can do stuff.

Margo said...

We need another leaf blower.
I spent $30 on the first and another $20 on tape.

May be we can pool some $$ for these things.

Other things...can we put stickers around the vinyl or something I'm kind of bummed that its not weird any more.

Please Mitchell/Mel/Nick get that thing in here!

Also someone has fishing line? Is there some at B103?

Can someone direct Rachel in working on the vinyl or somethings since she's free? Rachel may be you could make a PF acronym book or something.

Also no one has volunteered headphones etc!

Second night staying in the gallery till the building closes!

Margo said...

The box looks like a weird jewish devotion booth now.

ad Lowing said...
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ad Lowing said...

I can do the vinyl lettering, I don't know how, but if somebody tells me I can do it. Also stickers around the vinyl sounds good. ALSO evening especially I can work on finishing touches until we gets kiiixed out.

Neil Sanzgiri said...

bettina said shes going to take carey's design to the print lab to print off. everything will be fine!!!

rachel i'd say help carey print the zines tomorrow night maybe? i dnno talk to him

Emily said...

you need illustrator to make vinyl. if you're just gonna make text using fonts (rather than drawing something) it's real easy. just type it up, make it the size you want, and make the type outlines. the print lab people can help you out too.